The SECRETS of DRAWING, Perspective Part 2
All you’ll ever need to know about perspective! LEVEL 1
Now that we mastered the horizon in Level 0 and understood the amazing information it carry in our previous lecture, let’s drop one of these vanishing points you’ve all been hearing about on it.
Welcome to Perspective Level 1.
Basic principle is this: Parallel lines seems to converge toward a singularity, a point infinitely far. The vanishing point. We will say VP here. It’s an optical illusion that we are about to shamelessly exploit to fool, trick and convince people of a 3d dept in a 2d world
let’s make sure to use the VP if you draw any parallel *cough cough lines Going into the distance. And, for now, we’ll keep lines that are parallel to the horizon, well, always parallel to the horizon and we will solidly ground our vertical line to 90 degrees to it.
Easy so far.
Let’s spice stuff up. What if I need to create a surface that is not on the same plane as the horizon, at an angle, like say a ramp or something?
Whoa, no need for panic and drama, chill, It’s quite easy.
Wait, There’s more. At what rate equal things are getting smaller as they go into the distance?
Yeah, I often eyeball stuff too while drawings seemingly infinite rows of windows on Skyscrapers. But believe it or not, that reduction rate is already embedded as soon as 4 lines are drawn. Let’s see how to extract it when you need things to be precise.
The trusty Old ways, not using the horizon.
The NEW and MUCH Faster way, using the Horizon
A bit of a mix, if your new VP is out of Bound.
In my experience things get smaller much faster than I usually get eyeball them.
Annnnd, there, that’s Level 1. I’ll see the survivors over at The SECRETS of DRAWING, Perspective Part 3, Level 2
Yeah I know, parts and level don’t match, sue me.
A GIANT thanks you to my new Paying tier followers. These tutorials are available free (for now) as I’m a firm believer in making knowledge available to all! Democratizing education. Still, these little lectures are rather time consuming, and your support goes a Looong way to justify carving time out of my schedule to produce them. Please, consider upgrading to paid tier, but only if you can. ❤️❤️❤️
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There’s are a lot of fun! Do I sense an art book in the future? 🤦♂️🔮