Where is that INCAL book from Mark Russell , Dave McCaig and I !
I’ve been lovingly slaving on this for the past year or so! A 120 + pages hard cover graphic novel of crazy Jodo and Moebius verse.
Here some cool pages to wet your appetite!
Turn out it's on Sale on November 15TH ! Totally missed the solicitation for It. But, it's probably not to late to re-order , Ask your shop.
Or it can be pre-ordered on Amazon and a bunch of other places too)
PLEASE, SHARE THIS POST if anything else. INCAL is pretty Famous in Europe but we need All the help we can get in the US.
Turn Out, November 15th is also when my Previous crazy Adventure, Wonder Woman Earth One, Complete editions Drops! Big Day
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Truly, You are the best.
So looking forward to this and picked it up. A lovely masterclass in art ands storytelling...ALSO Wonder Woman!!