Hey all. Sorry for that little hiatus. I’m back from my Inda adventure and had a few things to get out of the way before Substacking with you all.
Let’s get to recent solicited covers first:
My last two Wonder Woman cover 799 and 800 are up. Concluding a decade long serie of covers featuring Diana.
Issue 799 is a Homage of a homage to the famous 72’ Ms Magazine cover (drawn by Murphy Anderson) and reference later in 2012 by Allred, and now me in 2023. Seen on that time scale, Feminist cause seem to move at a depressingly slow pace. All 3 cover are still shockingly relevant.
And so, Knowing the milestone issue #800 was the my last of the run. Caping a long uninterrupted streak of Wonder Woman works, staring with Earth One, I felt a bit celebratory and ask to do my own coloring.
I’ll miss her…
Nathan Wrapped our ridiculous 7 part JSA cover. Check it out.
What else… For Marvel lauch of Planet of the Ape.
And with downright Miraculous Colors by Alejandro Sanchez!
I’m writing a Master Class on Perspective rules that will show up here when i’m done. It’s a 5 part epic that cover everything…… EVERYTHING! It’s the long awaited SECRETS OF DRAWING #2. Stay tuned.
Speaking of which..
Please, consider sharing and Subscribing to Yanick’s Art NEWS and don’t miss anything.
Truly, You are the best.
Always love your WW work. That Planet of the Ape cover is so cool!
Hi Yanick, I’ve always loved your WW work, in fact my only regret - as a collector - is it’s all digital these days (progress!). Hope to see more Diana from you at some point in the future. I think the body of work that is WW Earth One will stand the test of time as a seminal WW story and I think it is actually THE seminal Hippolyta story.