Editors usually have a good ideas of what they want and more often than not, a good old illustration is what required. But, something, inspiration struck and i can go crazy and offer a drastically graphic concept. I usually do my own colors for them, often because only black and white are too limited to describe the drawings. But my Bro Nathan and Dave backed me up on a few of these too. Let’s check out a few of them, just for fun.
This Crazy 8 bit colors was just a preliminary before actual colors. But ballsy art director Marc Chiarello convinced me to go with it and publish this retina scorching version!
In JLA Rebirth #10 they where fighting AI
More AI problems, now in The Draming
Mister Miracle #1! So, I drew this in 3 colors, plus some accent. I was very please with my bombastic Green. But, turn out, when converted to printer compatible CMYK it was gone! Hey I’m not a professional colorist and i didn’t knew better. But DC comic, MIRACULOUSLY, saved the day and found a printer willing to use a special green ink to print that Impossible color anyway! There’s actually two version of this out there, one with impossible green and one with washed down CMYK green. Which one do you have?
And Finally, our Cover for INCAL Psychoverse. Not purely graphic, but almost!
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